Monday, September 10, 2007

Day One: Introduction

Today was the first day of what I will be doing for the next four months of my life: participating in the Culinary Arts program at Boston University's Gastronomy program.

I'm pretty excited about being able to do nothing but cook day-in and day-out for over four months. Even more, I am excited about cooking while learning as well.

I did study cooking in Paris for four months, so I think some of what we will be learning will already be comfortable for me. But that was a long time ago (late 80s) and I was a different person then. And, you should never stop learning. Moreover, the people who will be doing the teaching are either great chefs, experts in their field, or both. I am eager to see how they work in the kitchen and how the style of cooking and working may differ from chef to chef.

Today was a simple day: introduction to the course, met the chefs and the other students, went over the schedule, etc.

We did prepare some bones to make brown stock. But that was the extent of the cooking for today. Back at it tomorrow.

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